Control of the production process for Companies, Freelancers and Stores

Discover MyProductium Pro, the most advanced version of our solution for labor management. Ideal for companies, freelancers, and stores, MyProductium Pro adds to the functionalities of MyProductium Tasks the integrated management of budgets and the treatment of incidents in delivery notes.

Work Scheduling

Creació de les ordres de treball per cada pressupost.

Work Scheduling

Create work orders for each budget.

Job Control

Analyze different jobs where job order tasks are performed.

Task Management

Allows you to control the tasks of each work order.


Save the key documentation of each work order to the same platform.

Budget Management

Crea tots els pressupostos amb el mateix format fins una plataforma centralitzada.


Create all budgets in the same format up to a centralized platform. Thus increasing productivity and controlling the traceability of the production process

Create Games

Through database articles or with manually entered references.

Schedule Calendar

Allows you to schedule work dates on which work orders will need to be placed, indicating start time and end time.

HR Management

Crea, gestiona i assigna treballadors als diferents centres de treball des d’un sol punt.


Allows planning of workers work week.


Automatic import of workers through MyProductium labor.

Work Centers

create, manage and assign workers to different workplaces from a single point.

Reports and incidents

Registrar les incidències detectades.

Data Analysis

From the data we have recorded, prepare reports on the control of the production process from the preparation of the budget to its closing.

Incident Management

Simply record incidents detected by both employees and customer complaints, assigning them to each budget.

Other features

Els treballadors disposen d’una app per visualitzar totes les ordres que han de realitzar així com les tasques.


Allows group work orders in a budget to send data to an external program (if applicable) and generate delivery notes with it.


Workers have an app to view all the commands they have to perform as well as the tasks, allowing them to be marked when they are finished and to mark the start and end timers of the work.

Import data

Apart from entering the data of workers, articles, etc ... manually, it is ready to import this data when the company has its own system.

Document manager

La teva empresa segura i protegida

Per pujar un document, l'empresa selecciona el tipus, assigna un treballador i introdueix el pin d'empresa. El treballador accedeix al document amb un pin personal.

Creació de tipus de documents

Es poden configurar diferents tipus de documents i a aquests assignar-lis una data d'expiració si escau.

Descarrega documents desde l'app

Amb l'aplicació móvil, el treballador pot visualitzar els seus documents i pot descarregar-los al seu dispositiu.

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